Tarpon Club
Isla Holbox

Founded in 1996, Holbox's Tarpon Club offers the most complete fly fishing trips. Highly skilled and experienced guides personalized coaching.

Welcome to Tarpon Club

The island of Holbox, situated 8 miles north of the Yucatan Peninsula in Mexico, is a hidden gem. It is accessible by ferry or air-taxi from the mainland. On the island, you’ll find an ecclectic atmosphere of islanders, beach lovers, vacationing families and fly fishermen visiting for the fishing trip of their dreams

The island, specifically the Cabo Catoche lighthouse, marks the meeting of the Gulf of Mexico and the Caribbean in tourmaline and topaz waters. Off the north shore, migratory giant tarpon run the length of the island when in season; in fact, the Holbox fishery is considered to be one of the most spectacular in the world for trophy silver kings. To the south there are miles of lagoons flourishing with juvenile or baby tarpon and snook, as well as sandy bottom flats where there are occasionally permit and bonefish. Holbox’s healthy habitat offers year round salt water excitement for anglers from every background and level of expertise.

How to prepare for your trip:
What to expect

Recommended equipment

Lodging & Meals

Client testimonials

Discover what our guests think about our service

"Some of the best fishing adventures of my life, without a doubt, are fly fishing with Sandflea and his crew. Exceptional guides, all of them, with every trip out a new and wonderful experience. Tarpon are plentiful, and throw in the occasional snook, bonefish and even permit. I can’t wait to return to paradise in Holbox and get back out on the water!”

Jonette McMillin, Tacoma, WA


"I've fished a LOT of places over the last decade! None like this! I can consistently count on catching fish. I have never been placed with a guide that I wouldn't fish with again. Their pure love and ambition for the sport and game truly amaze me every day. Their expertise and skill consistently show throughout the day as they pole to any fish possible. I WILL fish here yearly until unable to fish again".

Lee Bagley, Rome, GA